
Bronze Sculptures Gallery


A selection of the series of bronze portraits I made are an ode to the people who are at the root of inspiring me massively in this life (there are still some remaining)! The musicians in my youth were a true bonus for more than a whole generation with their outspoken lyrics and musical progression. They sung to us about such values as standing up for yourself and they contributed to a more open and truth seeking Western society. As such they are classified by me as Heroes! Their ideas, their intentions: Peace, Love and Understanding were so mindblowingly lovely and impressive!
Portraits in bronze of those close to me: Enid, J.P., Philippe and my father, they all gave me joy and (deep) meaning, insight and so much more..

md gl  

My Father

Jean-Paul Bertrand

  ag bp  

Enid Bertrand

Philippe Bertand

  gv creq  

Tim Buckley

Frank Zappa

  dt bs  

Janis Joplin

Bob Marley


John Lennon


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